Tiny Acorns Hemel Hempstead

Post your Childrens Activity information to: troy@hemelonline.com

Adventure Playgrounds - Beavers, Cubs and Scouts - Brownies, Rainbows and Guides - Childrens Activities - Dance Classes - Football - Holiday Playschemes - Pre-Schools and Playgroups - Stage Schools - Toddler Groups
Also see: Hobbies and Leisure - Sport, Clubs & Societys - Youth Groups


Tiny Acorns Hemel HempsteadTiny Acorns provide a unique baby sensory extravaganza suitable from birth to walking, a junior music based class (walking to 6), Arts and Craft sessions for preschoolers (suitable from birth). Tiny Acorns not only entertains and stimulates your little ones but also provides the opportunity to meet other people with small children.



·  Monday - Baby Squirrels 10.45am - Gossoms End Scout Hall Queens Road, Gossoms End. Berkhamsted, HP4 3HU
·  Tuesday - Baby Squirrels 2.30pm - Bovingdon Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon,HP3 0HJ (£2.50 per family - join the under 1's group 2-4 (entry included))
·  Wednesday - Active Squirrels 1.45pm - Bovingdon Baptist Church, High Street, Bovingdon HP3 0HG (£2.50 per family - stay and play with Wednesday Wigwams 1.30-3pm (entry included)) All ages welcome
·  Thursday - Baby Squirrels 10.50 (pre bookable only) and 11.30 (drop in) Grove Hill Community Centre, Henry Wells Square, HP2 6BJ 
Thursday - Social Squirrels  2pm - Oojam, Riverside (opposite Debenhams) HP1 1BT
·  Friday - Social Squirrels 10am - The George, 4 High Street, Harpenden
Friday - Baby Squirrels 1.15pm, 2pm and 2.40pm (2.40 class currently has a waiting list) Express by Holiday Inn, Stationers Place, Apsley HP3 9RH 
·  Saturday - Baby Squirrels - 10am, Toddling Squirrels - 10.40am (walkers to 6  years) Express by Holiday Inn, Stationers Place, Apsley HP3 9RH